Monday, 5 September 2011

Nothing much

Some sort of plant forming black rosettes on thick stems
I am in need of another guest blogger. Mr A says he will write something, but can't seem to get started, and he has a lot of more important things to do. This time, then, just another brief account of mundane Lola life.
  • The loft insulation went well at mum and dad's house, and with its new load of insulation, the loft now has a peculiar smell which I don’t like very much. The fibreglass also bit me on the arm when I switched the light on and off without sleeves. The man who installed it all was very nice, helped me take down some of the larger boards that weren’t needed, and did the whole job on his own in not much more than an hour.
  • Two of my job applications are still viable, although the closing dates were 25 and 31 August and I haven't heard anything about an interview from either.
  • I have been fiddling about with my email, contacts and calendar, because many of my messages were routinely not reaching Lola II. So I've transferred from Outlook and am now completely in thrall to Google, and am in trouble if for any reason Google dies or takes a dislike to me.
I think it is time to get back into the garden - that ivy won't trim itself.

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