Sunday, 4 January 2009

The New Year begins

We're back! The holiday is over, and I'm back at my desk, about to start swotting again. Of course I took all the books with me to the holiday and did some revision most days, except for New Year's Eve.

Unfortunately, my lovely new laptop did not survive the holiday. One morning when I switched it on, it simply wouldn't boot. Yesterday we made all kinds of recovery attempts using the supplied CDs, but nothing worked. Very frustrating, but at least I've still got the option of the old PC for the time being, and nothing incredibly critical is lost.

I'll have to find time to write about the holiday, which was great fun despite the revision. I'm also gradually catching up with the regular blogs I read - I have 73 subscriptions in Google Reader, but luckily not all are active. Still, it's taking a while even without leaving comments.

Other more urgent things include upgrading my phone contract so as to replace my broken phone, which gives a sad, muted 'beep' instead of ringing properly, and sorting out the house insurance, which is due next week. By then I'll have forgotten what a holiday feels like.


Uncle Dick Madeley said...

73 subscriptions! Which one am I? Am I am in there? I'm 73. I know I'm 73. I'm 73, right? I know I'm 73...

Brett said...

Happy new year, glad you have had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Well done to be back at your desk. I am back at mine but unable to really get going so far. I think its because eldest girl has an inset day!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the laptop - is it under warranty? Good thing you didn't lose anything!

Lola said...

Dick, the list is in alphabetical order. Unless you change your blog to AAAMadeley or ZZDick then you're somewhere in the middle. Actually, ZZDick is quite a good blog name, even though it sounds a little like a ZZTop tribute band.

Hi Brett, Ms Wiz - I can't really say it's good to be back, what with all the work waiting.

Jay, the laptop is only a month old. I will be calling the warranty people tomorrow.